1. ホーム
  2. -
  3. 空挺ドラゴンズ


Airborne Dragons, Caçando Dragões, Drifting Dragons, Kūtei Dragons, Quin Zaza - Die letzten Drachenfänger, Łowcy smoków (Polish), 空挺dragons, 空挺ドラゴンズ, Kuutei Dragons

龍を追って、世界の空を往く捕龍船『クィン・ザザ号』。大物を捕まえれば一獲千金、獲りたての肉も食べ放題。でも、失敗したらもちろんお陀仏。空と龍に魅せられた乗組員たちの大冒険の旅&世界グルメ紀行! It’s time to see what dragon tastes like! The crew of the airship Queen Zaza makes their living hunting dragons. Succeed, and the reward is riches and all the meat they can eat! Fail, and all that awaits them is a messy end. Follow the grand hunting and cooking adventure of the Queen Zaza as they chase dragons across the sky!
